The City of Angels, a sunshine mecca for artists and a synonym for celebrity, is hard to call a city in the normal sense that(more…)

Author: thoughtsfromthepantry
My Favourite On-The-Go Breakfast
There are days when you just don’t have time for a sit down breakfast, even a very quick one. It is on those days that(more…)
Poached Eggs with Smoked Salmon and Hollandaise Sauce
You know what I look forward to most of all on the weekend? A nice lazy breakfast in the morning – the one that not(more…)
Be Yourself
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken” Oscar Wilde
Broccoli – the Nature’s Superfood
Broccoli – the beautiful green member of cruciferous family of vegetables known for their phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and fiber that are so important for your(more…)
Roasted Vegetable Salad – a Feast for your Eyes and your Stomach
I always look forward to my organic vegetable box arriving every Thursday night. Apart from the joy of getting the super fresh vegetables from the(more…)
The Humble Lentil
When the days start getting cold and overcast, recipes that create that warm, cosy feeling that adds a ray of sunshine to winter days are(more…)
How Do We Fall in Love?
“You don’t fall in love like you fall in a hole. You fall like falling through space. It’s like you jump off your own private(more…)
Luxury Yet So Simple Weekend Breakfast – Crabmeat Scrambled Eggs
Weekend breakfasts are a real treat. Long and lazy, allowing you a chance to enjoy every forkful. And, furthermore, we all tend to have those(more…)
Kashmir Infusion (Extract from A Day in Delhi)
One of my favourite infusions is a delicate combination of cinnamon, cardamom and saffron*. Sitting with a cup of this drink warming your hands makes you(more…)